Meetings up and coming:
1. Tues. June 4– Communion at Bridge St. Retirement-10:30 am
2. Tues. June 4 – Knitters group – 9:30 am- noon
3. Tues. June 4 – Toastmasters Meeting – 6 -8:30 pm
4. Wed. June 5– Music Lounge classes – 4:30 – 6:30 pm
5. Wed. June 5 – CFUW Potluck – 5 – 7 pm
6. Thurs. June 6 – Communion at Arabella -10:30 am
7. Fri. June 7 – Beavers and Cubs -6 pm
8. Sat. June 8 – Syrian Christian Orthodox church service -3 pm
Coming events/ Activities

- Summer Church Services will begin on Sunday, July 7, 2024. There will be one service only at 9:30 am.
2. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with the Harmony Music Lounge Program this year. Your support was greatly appreciated. We will be starting the program again in September 2024. Stay tuned!
3. ‘Pipe Organ Magic’– organist Murray Baer. Something for everyone!
Sunday June 2, 2024 at 2:30 pm Bridge St. United Church $20 via or $25 at the door
See flyer for more information.
4. St. Thomas’ Summer Camp – August 12-16, 2024
From 9 am – 3 pm For ages 6-12
Registration: $125/week (lunch & snacks included)
Please register by July 1st (only 10 spots left)
If you are able to help with the activities during camp week, please contact Shwetha at

5. St. Thomas’ Christmas Market News
A small group of ladies have been meeting to plan the Christmas Market for 2024. The group has a couple of announcements/reminders before the break into summer.
1. The group has decided to add a new element to the Christmas Market this year – Vendors. The group would like to reach out to the congregation and invite any vendors you may know that would like to participate in the Christmas Market. Please note that the vendors would be located in the Loft to use that space as well. The vendors would pay a fee of $25 for a 4’ table and 25% of their sales would be donated back to the church. The vendor would be asked to donate an item to the silent auction table. If you know of a vendor, please contact Kim Stephenson or Cheryl Drumm by July 15th. All vendors will be approved by the Christmas Market planners.
2. Reminders for Home Canning/Preserves
a. Please process your preserves in a suitable canner to guarantee the seal.
b. Please price your own delights. Consider opening one jar as a taster. Lezlie Miller is available to help with pricing.
c. Any unsold items will be returned to the owner.
d. There will be canning classes throughout the summer for those who would like to help make bread and butter pickles, dill pickles and chili sauce perhaps some jams or jellies.
Contact Information:
Kim Stephenson – Email:
Phone: 613-921-2038
Cheryl Drumm – Email:
Phone: 613-922-6981
Lezlie Miller – Email:
Phone: 613-921-9675