Click on the titles below to open the applicable resource. From there you can view it or download it.
Accessibility Policy: This document includes a full description of St. Thomas’ Accessible Customer Service Plan.
Event Promotions: Information is to assist event co-ordinators by providing a number of options that can be used to promote upcoming events.
St. Thomas’ Ministry Fund Application: See this post for full details.
Kitchen Resources and Recipes
Kitchen Manual March 2019: Guide for Qualified Kitchen workers.
Kitchen Manager Role Description: Volunteer position description
Kitchen Supervisors Checklist: Form to be filled out following any event that uses the kitchen.
Kitchen Supervisors Training: Coffe and Tea Procedures
Meatless Mondays: A complete list of meatless recipes. It’s good for you and good for the environment!
Children, Youth and Family Resources
Nursery and Sunday School Registration: Our form for nursery and Sunday School registration.
Hoyer Memorial Fund Request: Use this form to request financial assistance to attend summer camp or other spiritual development opportunities.
PA Day Form: Permission form for child to take part in all PA Day activities.
Summer Camp: Registration Form.