Meetings up and coming:

1. Mon. Nov. 6- Belleville Choral Society- 6:30 – 9 pm

2. Tues. Nov. 7 – Stitchers & Knitters (am)

3. Tues. Nov. 7– Communion at Bridge St. Ret.  – 10:30 am

4. Tues. Nov. 7 -Toastmasters  Mtg – 7- 9:15 pm

5. Tues. Nov. 7– Discussion Group (Zoom) 7 pm

6. Fri.  Nov. 10 – P.A. Day Event – Christmas Crafts/Cooking

7. Fri. Nov. 10 – Beavers/Cubs –  6 pm     

8. Sat. Nov. 12 –  Malayalam Church Service – 3-6 pm

 Coming events/ Activities

1.Parish Beef Supper Thank you to everyone who volunteered, donated food and supported the roast beef  8. dinner last Sunday. Everyone seemed to enjoy the food and the fellowship.

2. The Christmas Market will happen this year on Saturday, November 25. There is a sign up sheet in the Parish Hall – take a look and see if there is a place you would like to volunteer. Donations of baking, preserves, knitting, sewing, etc would be most welcome.

 3. Christmas Sharing Program 2023   The Christmas Season will soon be here and once again the congregation of St. Thomas’ will be participating in the Christmas Sharing Program. 45 Families will have food and gifts for children delivered the week before Christmas through your           generosity.    Information on opportunities to help with these deliveries will be available early December.

For the past years years, the congregation has been asked to make monetary donations to this outreach program through their church offerings.  This method has been successful and will be used again. By purchasing sales and bulk items we have been able to get better value for our money.  Gifts for the children will also continue in this same method. We ask that you consider making a donation in the near future. The cost of supplying food for this program has risen and we hope you will be able to give to the best of your ability. 

The following is an estimated breakdown of the costs of different hamper sizes, which perhaps many of us could consider donating toward:       

  Family of 6 : $220

Family of 4: $160       

  Family of 2: $120

An additional donation of $20 would cover the gifts for those hamper recipients which include children. Thank you for participating in this wonderful Outreach Program.

4. On November 17, at 9 am a planning meeting will be held at St. Thomas’ to put together a leadership team for the Harmony Lounge Instrumental Music School for Youth.

5. St Thomas Book Club Topic- The value of keeping the Sabbath- December 10

Book club is meeting next on December 10th, and all are welcome. The book we have chosen is titled Sabbath as Resistance: Saying NO to the CULTURE OF NOW by Walter Breuggemann. Plan to attend the church’s brunch that day for food and fellowship right after the 10:30 am service, and then join us in the church library from 1:00 to 2:30 pm for our discussion. Some of us will also be watching the film

 Sabbath by Journey Films, which is available on Youtube (

 Questions? Contact Bernadette Hymus at 613-922-4353